Add/Drop Procedures in GaelXpress 2.0

Add/Drop Procedures in GaelXpress 2.0

Since Fall 2020, the add/drop process has been moved from paper to digital formatting. The information and resources below will aim to provide you with the tools you need in order to shift to this new add/drop process.

Students who have not registered in a course by the end of the add/drop period, and have not made suitable alternative arrangements with the 注册商, are ineligible to be enrolled or to participate in the course in any way. 这包括参加, 完成作业, taking exams or receiving credit for the course at a later time.

If there are any students who do not attend your class, please e-mail the 司法常务官办公室 at: 注册商  and we will drop them from your class.

Important Deadlines for UG Fall Term 2024:

  1. First day to add or drop a class: 08/26/2024
  2. Last day to add or drop a class:09/01/2024 


  1. 添加授权: use this to give students 添加权限 a course during the add/drop period. All students will need this during the add/drop period请注意 that students are still responsible to self-register for the course to add to their schedule.
    1. 教程视频
  2. 课程的权限:
    1. 必要的放弃 (具体): use this when students need a requisite waived before being allowed to take the course. This varies by course and is de术语ined by the individual instructor. 取决于你的课程, not all students will need this so you might not be required to fill this portion out on the new course 许可s tab in 2.0. 请注意 这就是 different from the add authorization. Permission will still need to be given for the student to add the course. 
      1. 教程视频
    2. 老师的同意 (具体): use this when students need an 老师的同意 before being allowed to take the course. This varies by course and is de术语ined by the individual instructor. 例如, certain sections may want to vet all students beforehand because of various reasons and wouldn't want just anyone to add their section(s) either during the registration period or add/drop. If your course doesn't require specific 老师的同意, then all you need to do is complete the add authorization module for students (during the add/drop period). 请注意 这就是 different from the add authorization. Permission will still need to be given for the student to add the course. 
      1. 教程视频


  1. I gave my student 添加权限 the course on GaelXpress 2.0, but they can't seem to register. 我该如何解决这个问题? 
    1. Different factors could affect this:
      1. 如果你给他们 错误的 许可. 例如, you gave them 老师的同意 instead of add authorization.
      2. When students cannot register online, they will be given an error message. The more information they provide you as to why they cannot register, the better you can de术语ine the issue.
        1. "教师 add authorization 是必需的 to add the section at this time."
        2. 以下要求 先决条件 for the course is not started.取...最低等级C-..."
        3. “学生需要 老师的同意 在…注册..."
        4. “注册...puts students in overload for...术语. 请愿书 是必需的."
  2. Can I allow a student to "sit" in my class while they figure out their registration issue(s)? 
    1. No. Students should be directed to our office for further assistance if this is something outside of a "许可s" issue. 例如, if they have a hold on their account, they need to resolve that hold with the respective department. 
  3. Can you explain how the process looks from a student/instructor perspective from start to finish? 
    1. A student logs into GaelXpress to add a course.
    2. The system gives them an error message (e.g. requisite, add authorization, instructor consent).
    3. Student emails their advisor and the instructor for the course.
    4. Instructor grants 许可 on GaelXpress 2.0 (e.g. requisite, add authorization, instructor consent) and replies back to the student and advisor.
      1. 如上所述, the add authorization will be required during add/drop week, whereas the requisite waiver and 老师的同意 might not be. It is dependent on your particular course restrictions.  
    5. Student then logs back in and registers for the course. 
  4. Are all departments using this online add/drop feature? 
    1. No. Business Administration, Seminar, English, and Math Departments use a centralized add/drop process. Please check with their departments for specific details.   


教师 Add/Drop Instructions